Monday, September 14, 2009

Life gets in the way

Well I don't seem to be very good at keeping this blog updated. I have to say with all that has been going on I haven't wanted to rehash it all. As some of you may know or not I am on a temporary layoff from my job. They say there is just not enough future work to go around. I however was one of the lucky ones others were completely let go.

Then we are dealing with some health issues for Mario's dad.

When it rains it pours.

That's it for our gloom and doom. Next post will be more fun its about the boys first soccer games.

Monday, August 17, 2009

First Day of School

Well the morning started off a little shaky. Luke got stung by a bee on his hand last night and didn't sleep well, which means I didn't sleep well. So he was a little tired and the bee sting was itchy. We finally get everyone ready to go and Jake needs to go to the bathroom "BAD". Then he comes out and goes in again and says he has a stomach ache. So we charge on and make it just as the bell is ringing. Both boys made it to their classes but this was not a good year of first day photos.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Do you know what day it is?

Time to put the taco in Tuesday!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Boys, water, bikes, and fun.

They drained the fire hydrant on our street so what better thing to do then get the boys bathing suits on and send them on their bikes to cool off. They had a great time.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm Back

Well after a week long illness with the big boy and attending services from Mario's grandma. I think we are back on the road to our regular somewhat chaotic life. Which so far has included a bee sting for me, major heat melting us all, and heading back to work and day care. Nobody was happy this morning.

On a side note the only thing Jake did manage to eat when he was sick was a small taco I made on taco Tuesday. I'm telling ya it fixes everything.

Monday, July 13, 2009


I think the heat has given me writers block. Between a sick kid and Mario's grandma passing the only thing that motivates me is opening the frig to get something cold to drink. Hopefully after all this passes we will have more fun and exciting things to write about. Taco Tuesday is tomorrow and I think I'm going to go big. I hope the avocados are ripe by then.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

sick boy + no sleep - husband = no haircut for me

Jake was up all night getting sick. Poor thing still had his sense of humor though. He has his head in the bowl and looks up and says, "It's 4:30 am that means its morning....Good morning mom". Head goes back in the bowl. What a trooper.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Nothing to exciting today. Ran errands with the boys but the big one didn't feel good and got sick at the oil change place. So we rested most of the day. Its not glamorous put that's my life!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Always up to something

So yesterday Jake asked if he could clean their inflatable pool and I asked why do you want to go in. He said no it just looks dirty. At that point I should have known that was a.k.a for I don't want to get my suit on and wait for it to fill up. Getting me and my brother wet in our clothes is so much more fun.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Day!!! Oreo came home last night but he was not happy with our other cat. He was probably knocking on the door and Shadow didn't let him in. All ends well and the boys a thrilled even though this means no dog for now.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Looking for our cat.

My brave little men and I just got back from looking for our kitty Oreo. He has been missing for about a week. Nobody has seen him but I haven't seen his little girlfriend cat either. Maybe they went away for the holiday. One can hope right? Even though Jake was trying to be brave we had a conversation that when like this:

Jake: Mom i hope nothing bad happened to Oreo like he's hurt or dead.

Mom: I'm sure he is ok well go ask the neighbors

Jake: That would be so sad if something happened to him but if it did can we get a dog.

He seems to be dealing with it ok.

Braving the Blog World

It has happened. I've created a blog. Now you too can be a part of my everyday run of the mill (not) life. Lately I've been reading allot of blogs and on this one the person wrote something that inspired me to join this cyber world. It said, "I've decided that I'm gonna write down a few of our conversations so I can remember them in the future" and then it hit me. Everyone always says when I tell them a funny story about my family or something the boys did, "you've got to write that down". So here is my attempt a capturing some memories and sharing them with you.

Hope you enjoy the ride