Saturday, February 12, 2011


We finally were able to take down the Christmas lites now that Mario's back is feeling good enough to get on the ladder. I'm sure our neighbors were starting to wounder if we were going to keep them up all year. Feeling lazy today. Its been a long time since we have done nothing on a Saturday. Don't get me wrong I have plenty to do I just don't want to. I guess I should at least do some laundry so the boys have socks. I'll get right on that! Have a good weekend all.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mothers Work

So last night I had to make 24 heart shaped PB&J sandwiches. The first 2-3 were fun then I was over it. I debated doing jelly only since there is a boy in Luke's class that has peanut allergies, but I listened to the room mom. I drop them of in the classroom and the teacher says "Jelly only right". Figures! I guess next time I'll go with my first instinct. At least I tried. Right!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekend gone..Monday here!

Well another one goes by. Had a great weekend. Why is it that whenever you have a great weekend it usually means a tired Monday. My lovely hubby saved us a bunch of cash and did my brakes (front and back). Yeah for me. Had a great time with the family and friends watching and laughing during the Superbowl. Now back to the grind of work and healthy eating. Wish me luck.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Well I didn't get all the things on my list done but I did go for the hike and relaxed. I guess cleaning will have to wait till this weekend!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yeah Thursday

Hello Thursday (My Friday)!

Well its been a week since Mario and I started back on the healthy track. Of course he is down 7lbs. Men have it so easy. They don't have to deal with hormones and the monthly cravings and weight gain. Oh well I'll still keep it up.

Plans for the weekend:

Return way overdue library books
Take a hike

Hope everyone else has a great weekend.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another Year Gone By

I am officially over 40 now. Even if I don't act like it. Had a few days of celebrating with family and friends. Mario and I went and had fabulous sushi!

Some drinks in LA with the lovely Addie.

With the girls at the brig.

Dinner at Corvette Dinner.

I hope I have this much fun when I'm 50!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Well we are going to try this blogging thing again. Its a new year and new things to share. Wish me luck.